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旋風分離器在冷鐓機油霧處理中的應用探討 戴春祥,崔正,林金生,Dai Chunxiang,Cui Zheng,Lin Jinsheng
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工業分析儀校準方法的研究 毛文,吳鵬程,Mao Wen,Wu Pengcheng
化學需氧量溶液標準物質的定值及不確定度評定 王紹利,Wang Shaoli
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心臟除顫器的校準方法探討 邱靜,夏雨佳,董唯,Qiu Jing,Xia Yujia,Dong Wei
數字多用表檢定基本量程的選取方法 湯宮民,梁清果,湯瀟奕,Tang Gongmin,Liang Qingguo,Tang Xiaoyi
淺談水表檢定裝置變頻恒壓供水系統的改造 劉靈文,Liu Lingwen
基于VB6.0的打印檢定標識軟件的開發 蔣川,Jiang Chuan
淺談Zigbee MAC層數據傳輸過程 陳佳佳,Chen Jiajia
基于MCGS的PLC全數字仿真實驗平臺設計 吳傳全,Wu Chuanquan
摘要: 針對紙漿流量測量設備成本高、測量條件苛刻及測量精度低等問題,提出基于稀疏分解的紙漿流量軟測量新方法。利用稀疏分解技術,根據紙漿濃度固有噪聲特點,自適應地建立過完備原子庫,利用過完備原子庫與最佳原子對紙漿濃度固有噪聲進行稀疏表示,得出紙漿流量值。實驗證明了本方法的可行性、實時性與精確性。
The Pulp Flow Soft Measurement Based on Sparse Decomposition
WU Yi 1,ZHOU Qiang 1, WU Wen-jun2
(1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710021, China;2. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Mining Industry Co., Ltd, Yulin 719139, China)
Abstract: For the pulp flow measurement equipment cost is high, the measuring conditions demanding and low accuracy of measurement problem, put forward new pulp flow soft measurement method based on sparse decomposition. Using the sparse decomposition technology, based on the characteristics of the pulp concentration inherent noise, adaptive to establish a complete atom library, with a complete library and best atoms to sparse representation of the pulp concentration inherent noise, it is concluded that the pulp flow value. Experimental results show the feasibility of this method, real-time and accuracy.
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