上癮行為心理學是美國心理學會的同行評審學術期刊,每年出版8次與成癮行為的心理方面有關的原創文章。 現任主編是Nancy M. Petry(康涅狄格大學醫學院)。該期刊包括有關以下主題的文章:酒精和酗酒吸毒和濫用飲食失調吸煙和尼古丁成癮,和其他過度行為(例如賭博,性癮)
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association that publishes original articles related to the psychological aspects of addictive behaviors 8 times a year. The current editor-in-chief is Nancy M. Petry (University of Connecticut School of Medicine).The journal includes articles on the following topics:alcohol and alcoholismdrug use and abuseeating disorderssmoking and nicotine addiction, andother excessive behaviors (e.g., gambling, sexual addiction)
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