Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (CC/CS) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CC/CS publishes original scholarship that situates culture as a site of struggle and communication as an enactment and discipline of power. The journal features critical inquiry that cuts across academic and theoretical boundaries. CC/CS welcomes a variety of methods including textual, discourse, and rhetorical analyses alongside auto/ethnographic, narrative, and poetic inquiry.The journal especially invites essays that are intellectually innovative, reflexive, and relevant to democratic concerns in their examination of culture and communication. CC/CS promotes critical reflection on democratic ideals by drawing attention to areas such as: ? Historical, material, and economic conditions? Nation, Polity, and Private and/or Public Sphere? Identities (e.g., class, race, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexuality, etc.) and Identity Politics? Neo-colonial, Post-Colonial, and Globalization Contexts? Technology and New Media? Resistance and ProtestIn addition to research essays, CC/CS publishes occasional reviews of major new books. For more details about how to submit your research to CC/CS , please review our Instructions for Authors. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees.
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