African Journalism Studies ( AJS) aims to contribute to the ongoing extension of the theories, methodologies and empirical data to under-researched areas of knowledge production, through its emphasis on African journalism studies within a broader, comparative perspective of the Global South. AJS strives for theoretical diversity and methodological inclusivity, by developing theoretical approaches and making critical interventions in global scholarly debates. The journal's comparative and interdisciplinary approach is informed by the related fields of cultural and media studies, communication studies, African studies, politics, and sociology. The field of journalism studies is understood broadly, as including the practices, norms, value systems, frameworks of representation, audiences, platforms, industries, theories and power relations that relate to the production, consumption and study of journalism. A wide definition of journalism is used, which extends beyond news and current affairs to include digital and social media, documentary film and narrative non-fiction.Manuscripts dealing with the intersections between journalism, politics, culture and society as these pertain to Africa and comparable regions in the Global South are especially invited. Areas of focus may include, but are not limited to: the political economy of journalism; global flows and contraflows of journalistic content and capital; journalism and social change; journalism and cultural identity; freedom of the press; journalism ethics; theories of journalism; journalism education and research; changing journalistic practices and norms. The role of journalism in mediating the emerging geopolitical relations between Africa and other regions of the Global South is of particular interest.All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-blind and submission is online via
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