This journal publishes original papers dealing with potential theory and its applications, probability theory, geometry and functional analysis and in particular estimations of the solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations; analysis of semi-groups, resolvent kernels, harmonic spaces and Dirichlet forms; Markov processes, Markov kernels, stochastic differential equations, diffusion processes and Levy processes; analysis of diffusions, heat kernels and resolvent kernels on fractals; infinite dimensional analysis, Gaussian analysis, analysis of infinite particle systems, of interacting particle systems, of Gibbs measures, of path and loop spaces; connections with global geometry, linear and non-linear analysis on Riemannian manifolds, Lie groups, graphs, and other geometric structures; non-linear or semilinear generalizations of elliptic or parabolic equations and operators; harmonic analysis, ergodic theory, dynamical systems; and boundary value problems, Martin boundaries, Poisson boundaries.
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