ChemPlusChem is a peer-reviewed, general chemistry journal that brings readers the very best in multidisciplinary research centering on chemistry. Fully comprehensive in its scope, ChemPlusChem publishes articles covering new results from at least two different aspects (subfields) of chemistry or one of chemistry and one of another scientific discipline (one chemistry topic plus another one, hence the title ChemPlusChem). All suitable submissions undergo balanced peer review by experts in the field to ensure the highest quality, originality, relevance, significance, and validity.ChemPlusChem offers...short publication times to Accepted Article (as-submitted; at authors' request) and EarlyView (typeset version of record) statuscontinuous publishing making final and citable articles available fasterfree reproduction of color graphicsa mix of Full Papers, Communications, Reviews and Minireviewscover profiles, special issues and virtual issuesmanuscript submission and management through Editorial Managerthe application of iThenticate software to all submissions to ensure authenticity and originalityclose cooperation between the editorial offices of Wiley-VCH journals to ensure that high-quality research will find the most appropriate forumopen access publishing through the OnlineOpen programa free app for iPhone/iPad and Androidpromotion of content through social media: Twitter, Facebookhighlighting of selected articles in ChemistryViews and Advanced Science Newssupport for leading researchers of the future through the Early Career Series and associated Interviews
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