Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience is an open-access journal that aims to publish major insights into animal and human behavior, in order to better understand the neural mechanisms underlying behavior. Our journal welcomes papers concerned with the interplay between behavior and neurobiological analysis at all levels: from molecular biology and genetics, to morphological, biochemical, neurochemical, electrophysiological, neuroendocrine, pharmacological, and neuroimaging studies, as long as they contribute to unravel the neurobiological basis of behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience welcomes work in all animal species, including humans, and integrative and translational approaches combining animal and human research are encouraged. In recent years, translational work has proved to be particularly suitable to address topics and questions related to psychopathology, with outstanding examples showing how animal studies can help identify key genetic mechanisms of behavioral deviation in humans and, conversely, how innovative findings in humans are directing essential work in animals. Our ultimate goal is to accelerate the progress in this research area at a critical time when we are facing multiple challenges: from the need to integrate findings obtained at different levels of analysis to the constant redefinition of topics and approaches that concern and characterize the field of Behavioral Neuroscience.Authors submitting manuscripts other than Original Research should highlight in their cover letter how their publication record on the same topic has prepared them for contributing to the field. We also request that prospective organizers of Research Topics (info at www.frontiersin.org/about/RTGuidelines) provide the Editorial Office (neuroscience.researchtopics@frontiersin.org) with their CV and clarify in the proposal how their research expertise qualifies them to organize a Research Topic on that particular subject.
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