范圍和內容:《魚類和野生動物管理雜志》鼓勵提交關于科學在保護和管理北美本土魚類、野生動物、植物及其棲息地方面的實際應用和整合的高質量英文原版科學論文,論文類別包括:文章、注釋、調查、問題和觀點。與北美本土魚類、野生動植物及其棲息地沒有直接關系的論文,如果突出了與北美本土魚類、野生動植物及其棲息地密切相關的物種,或與之密切相關的保護問題,仍可被考慮。有關原稿標準的更多信息,請參閱美國魚類和野生動物科學期刊主頁和《魚類和野生動物管理期刊指南》(Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management Guide For Authors)。
Scope and Content:The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management encourages submission of original, high quality, English-language scientific papers on the practical application and integration of science to conservation and management of native North American fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats in the following categories: Articles, Notes, Surveys and Issues and Perspectives. Papers that do not relate directly to native North American fish, wildlife plants or their habitats may still be considered if they highlight species that are closely related to, or conservation issues that are germane to, those in North America. For additional information on manuscript criteria, see the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Scientific Journals Home Page and the Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management Guide for Authors.
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