衛生政策與技術(HPT)是跨學科期刊研究生醫學獎學金(FPM)的官方期刊,重點關注過去,現在和未來的衛生政策以及技術在臨床和非臨床國家中的作用和國際健康環境。HPT為FPM繼續為醫學和相關學科的政策和實踐發展做出重要的國家和國際貢獻提供了更好的途徑。 HPT的目的是發布相關,及時和可訪問的文章和評論,以支持對衛生政策和技術感興趣的政策制定者,衛生專業人員,衛生技術提供者,患者團體和學術界。HPT涵蓋的主題包括: - 衛生技術,包括藥物發現,診斷,藥物,設備,治療傳遞和電子衛生保健系統 - 使用基于證據的方法對衛生政策進行跨國比較 - 關于衛生政策的國家研究,以確定技術驅動舉措的成果 - 跨境電子衛生保健,包括健康旅游 - 醫療保健的移動性,可及性和可負擔性方面的數字鴻溝 - 用于評估臨床和非臨床衛生技術有效性的衛生技術評估(HTA)方法和工具 - 用于了解衛生技術的采用和傳播的健康和電子衛生保健指標和基準(衡量標準/指標) - 衛生和電子衛生保健模型和框架,以支持政策制定者和其他利益相關者參與決策 - 利益相關者參與衛生技術(臨床和患者/公民買入) - 監管和衛生經濟學
Health Policy and Technology (HPT), is the official journal of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine (FPM), a cross-disciplinary journal, which focuses on past, present and future health policy and the role of technology in clinical and non-clinical national and international health environments.HPT provides a further excellent way for the FPM to continue to make important national and international contributions to development of policy and practice within medicine and related disciplines. The aim of HPT is to publish relevant, timely and accessible articles and commentaries to support policy-makers, health professionals, health technology providers, patient groups and academia interested in health policy and technology.Topics covered by HPT will include:- Health technology, including drug discovery, diagnostics, medicines, devices, therapeutic delivery and eHealth systems- Cross-national comparisons on health policy using evidence-based approaches- National studies on health policy to determine the outcomes of technology-driven initiatives- Cross-border eHealth including health tourism- The digital divide in mobility, access and affordability of healthcare- Health technology assessment (HTA) methods and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of clinical and non-clinical health technologies- Health and eHealth indicators and benchmarks (measure/metrics) for understanding the adoption and diffusion of health technologies- Health and eHealth models and frameworks to support policy-makers and other stakeholders in decision-making- Stakeholder engagement with health technologies (clinical and patient/citizen buy-in)- Regulation and health economics
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